

from 28 May 2021 - to 30 May 2021 Padova

I breathe, I live. Breathing, an indispensable, natural, individual, intimate act. Up to this moment: now my (our) breath is controlled, limited and confined by masks and barriers; it has become solid, it is a meter of the distance at which I can (can) interact with you (others). I breathe, I live. I am attentive to how and where I breathe, I am attentive to how and where you breathe (breathe the other). It is never just individual, it has never been, now more than ever I am aware of the importance and consequences of all my actions. Breath alive. Breathing is not my right, it is our right, for everyone. I breathe, I live. Living is doing, interacting, participating with others and with the territory we live in.

Through the most varied forms, including waters, hills, paths and historic centers, IT.A.CÀ Padua and its surroundings offers sustainable experiences, accessible to all and inclusive to reflect on the distances we encounter every day, distances with others, with the territory, experiences to shorten these distances by walking them at the rhythm of your own breathing.